Metrohm 900 Touch Control Manual User Manual

Page 197

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16 Methods

900 Touch Control




Selection of available directories | empty

Default value


File name

File name of the determination. The file name is always extended to
include the date and the time of day (YYYYMMDD-hhmmss) in order to
ensure that the file names are unique for all determinations.


max. 16 characters


Identification 1 | Identification 2 | Method

Default value

Identification 1

Identification 1
The first 16 characters of the text which was entered in the main dia-
log for Identification 1 + YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.
Identification 2
The first 16 characters of the text which was entered in the main dia-
log for Identification 2 + YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.
The first 16 characters of the text, of the method name +

Write protection

on | off (Default value: on)

If this parameter is activated, then the file cannot be saved, deleted, or
renamed. This is only an internal write protection feature and is independ-
ent of the write protection of the operating system on your computer.
This write protection feature protects the saved determination data
against accidental modifications or modifications by unauthorized per-

Create PC/LIMS report

on | off (Default value: off)

If this parameter is activated, then a machine-readable report with all of
the important data for the determination is created, a so-called PC/LIMS

The settings are implemented in the device manager (see Chapter 11.3.2,
page 83)

When you save the PC/LIMS report as a file, the file name will be gener-
ated automatically as follows: PC_LIMS_Report-first 16 characters of the
value of the parameter File name-Date-Time.txt. If the value of the
parameter File name contains one or more of the following characters,
then these will be automatically converted in the file name into the char-
acter "_": / \ : * ? " < > |.