Metrohm 900 Touch Control Manual User Manual

Page 151

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13 GLP manager

900 Touch Control



[Validation interval]

Define the time interval for the system validation (see "Dialog "System val-
idation / Validation interval"", page 135)

[Test statistics]

Document the statistical data of the system validation (see "Dialog "Sys-
tem validation / Test statistics"", page 136)

Dialog "System validation / Note (SOP)"
In this dialog, you can enter a brief text, e.g. a summary of the SOP
(standard operating procedure) according to which the system validation
was carried out.

Dialog "System validation / Validation interval"

Last validation

Date on which the last system validation was carried out.

Format: YYYY:MM:DD


on | off (Default value: off)

If this parameter is activated, then the time interval after which a system
validation has to be carried out again will be monitored.

Validation interval

If you define a time interval for the system validation, then the date in
Next validation will be tracked automatically.

Input range

1 - 999 days

Default value

999 days

Next validation

If you define a time interval for the next system validation, then the Vali-
dation interval
will be tracked automatically.

Format: YYYY:MM:DD


Selection of the action which is carried out when the time interval has