C01122 | sync phase position, C01123 | sync tolerance, C01122 – Lenze E94ARNE Regenerative power supply User Manual

Page 325: C01123, Phase position, Is set to a higher value, Value via

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EDS94ARNExxxx EN 2.3 - 06/2014



9400 regenerative power supply module | Parameter setting

Parameter reference

Parameter list | C01122



Parameter | Name:

C01122 | Sync phase position

Data type: UNSIGNED_32

Index: 23453


= 5B9D


The phase position defines the zero time of the application in relation to the synchronisation signal (bus cycle). As

the PDO processing is an inherent part of the system part of the application, the instant of PDO acceptance is also

shifted by a change of the phase position.

• If the setting is 0, the application starts simultaneously with the synchronisation signal.

• If the setting is > 0, the start of the application in relation to the synchronisation signal is earlier by the time set

(the phase position acts negatively).

Example: If the phase position is set to 400 μs, the system part of the application starts 400 μs before the

synchronisation signal occurs.

The effect of the sync phase position can be influenced by the application cycle set in


. If the Lenze setting is

selected for


, the behaviour is the same as known from previous versions.

"CAN on board" system bus: sync telegram

Setting range

(min. value | unit | max. value)

Lenze setting



64000 400 μs

Read access  Write access  CINH  PLC STOP  No transfer

Parameter | Name:

C01123 | Sync tolerance

Data type: UNSIGNED_32

Index: 23452


= 5B9C


Time slot for monitoring the synchronisation signal via the system block LS_SyncInput

• If the last synchronisation signal amounted to approx. the expected value within this time slot, the

SYNC_bSyncInsideWindow output of the LS_SyncInput system block is set to TRUE.

• This setting does not affect the synchronisation process.

"CAN on board" system bus: sync telegram

Setting range

(min. value | unit | max. value)

Lenze setting



1000 0 μs

Read access  Write access  CINH  PLC STOP  No transfer