C01902 | diagnostics x6: max. baud rate, C01903 | diagnostics x6: change baud rate, C01905 | diagnostics x6: curr. baud rate – Lenze E94ARNE Regenerative power supply User Manual

Page 331: C02104 | program auto-start, C02108 | program status, C02104, Determines whether the application is, The current program state is displayed in, C02108

C01902 | diagnostics x6: max. baud rate, C01903 | diagnostics x6: change baud rate, C01905 | diagnostics x6: curr. baud rate | C02104 | program auto-start, C02108 | program status, C02104, Determines whether the application is, The current program state is displayed in, C02108 | Lenze E94ARNE Regenerative power supply User Manual | Page 331 / 360 C01902 | diagnostics x6: max. baud rate, C01903 | diagnostics x6: change baud rate, C01905 | diagnostics x6: curr. baud rate | C02104 | program auto-start, C02108 | program status, C02104, Determines whether the application is, The current program state is displayed in, C02108 | Lenze E94ARNE Regenerative power supply User Manual | Page 331 / 360