Selecting the characters used to identify channels, Showing/hiding cursors, Showing/hiding cursors -8 – Yokogawa DAQWORX User Manual
Page 70: Selectng the characters used to identfy channels, Showng/hdng cursors

IM WX104-01E
Selectng the Characters Used to Identfy Channels
You can select the channel No. or tag as the character string used to identify the
channels by selecting [View] - [Channel No.] or [Tag]. The selected character string will
be used as a label to indicate the waveform name.
The character string is registered on the RECORDER or by using the Configurator.
• When the identification string is switched, the channel character string displayed on the
Y-axis of the waveform display window, circular display window, numeric window, list display
window, [Cursor Value] window, [Computed Result] window, [General Display Setting]
window, and data conversion dialog box will change accordingly.
• Both the channel No. and tag are used in the output result of the data conversion.
Showng/Hdng Cursors
Showng the cursor
1. Point the cursor on the screen (Cursor A)
2. Drag the cursor
(Cursor B).
By selecting [Edit] - [Select All], Cursor A and Cursor B moves to the beginning and the
end of the data, respectively.
Hdng the cursor
Select [View] - [Hide Cursor].
Copyng the data to the clpboard
Click here ([Edit] - [Copy]).
On the numerical window and list display window (section 4.6), you can copy the data
between Cursor A and Cursor B to the Windows clipboard. On the waveform display
window and circular display window, the displayed image can be copied to the clipboard.
• The maximum number of data points that can be copied to the clipboard is 1000.
• The channels that are copied to the clipboard are those that are registered in the selected
group with the waveform display turned ON.
• When the display mode of the time axis is set to absolute time, the absolute time is output.
If it is set to relative time, the relative time from the first data point is output.
• Contents that have been copied to the clipboard can be pasted to other applications for use.
4.2 Dsplayng the Waveform