Texas Instruments MSP430x1xx User Manual
Page 308

Conversion Modes
pletes, except when the new mode is repeat-single-channel. In this case, the
sequence does not complete and the new mode takes effect immediately (see
also the
Switching Between Conversion Modes section).
There are four ways to stop repeat-sequence-of-channels conversions:
1) Select sequence-of-channels mode (CONSEQ = 1) instead of repeated
sequence-of-channels mode (CONSEQ = 3). When this is done, the cur-
rent sequence of conversions is completed normally and no further con-
versions take place. The conversion results are loaded into registers
ADC12MEMx and the corresponding interrupt flags ADC12IFG.x are set.
2) Reset ENC bit (ADC12CTL0.1). This stops the conversions after the cur-
rent sequence is completed. The conversion results of all conversions in
the sequence are stored in their appropriate ADC12MEMx register and
the associated interrupt flags ADC12IFG.x are set.
3) Select repeat-single-channel mode (CONSEQ = 2) instead of the repeat-
sequence-of-channel mode, and then select single-channel mode. The
current conversion is completed normally. The current conversion result
is loaded into register ADC12MEMx and the associated interrupt flags
ADC12IFG.x are set. The data for x is somewhere between CStartAdd
and the last register of the sequence.
4) Select single-channel mode (CONSEQ = 0) and reset enable-conversion
bit ENC. The current conversion is stopped immediately. The data in
memory register ADC12MEMx is unpredictable and the interrupt flag
ADC12IFG.x may or may not be set. This method is generally not recom-