Texas Instruments SPRAA56 User Manual
Texas Instruments Hardware

Application Report
SPRAA56 – September 2004
DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis (RTA) and Debugging
Applied to a Video Application
Brian Jeff
DSP Field Software Applications
Arnie Reynoso
Software Development Systems
DSP/BIOS and the Reference Frameworks allow developers to non-intrusively instrument
real-time applications. The software provided with this application note applies real-time
analysis (RTA) services to a working application—a H.263 encode/decode loopback
example for the TMS320DM642 evaluation module. The software demonstrates
techniques for benchmarking and controlling video software. It also introduces a service to
programmatically measure CPU and TSK loading. Debugging and troubleshooting
techniques for real-time applications, using Code Composer Studio, is also discussed.
Simulating High CPU Load Stress Conditions with Dummy NOP Loads............................... 14
Document Outline
- DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis (RTA) and Debugging Applied to a Video Application
- Important Benchmarks for Video Applications
- Base Application Overview
- Modifications to the Base Example
- RTA Techniques for Performance Measurement
- Measuring Function Execution Time with the UTL Module
- Measuring Task Scheduling Latencies
- Measuring End-to-End Latencies
- Measuring the Frame Rate
- Simulating High CPU Load Stress Conditions with Dummy NOP Loads
- Programmatic Measurement of Total CPU Load
- Memory Bus Utilization
- Bitrate and Frame Type
- Methods for Transmitting Measured Performance Data
- Application-Specific Control via GEL Scripts in CCStudio
- Viewing Benchmarks in the Instrumented Application
- References
- Performance Impact