Texas Instruments MSP430x1xx User Manual

Page 146

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Timer_A Operation


10.2.3 Starting the Timer

The timer may be started or restarted in a variety of ways:


Release Halt Mode: The timer

counts in the selected direction when a tim-

er mode other than stop mode is selected with the MCx bits.


Halted by CCR0 = 0, restarted by CCR0 > 0 when the mode is either up
or up/down: When the timer mode is selected to be either up or up/down,
the timer may be stopped by writing 0 to capture/compare register 0
(CCR0). The timer may then be restarted by writing a nonzero value to
CCR0. In this scenario, the timer starts incrementing in the up direction
from zero.


Setting the CLR bit in TACTL register: Setting the CLR bit in the TACTL
register clears the timer value and input clock divider value. The timer in-
crements upward from zero with the next clock cycle as long as stop-mode
is not selected with the MCx bits.


TAR is loaded with 0: When the counter (TAR register) is loaded with zero
with a software instruction the timer increments upward from zero with the
next clock cycle as long as stop-mode is not selected with the MCx bits.