Basic configuration, Quick start setup commands, Chapter 2: basic configuration – Enterasys Networks Enterasys D2 D2G124-12P User Manual
Page 39: Quick start setup commands -1, Required cli setup commands -1, Chapter 2
D-Series CLI Reference 2-1
Basic Configuration
At startup, the D‐Series switch is configured with many defaults and standard features. This
chapter describes how to customize basic system settings to adapt to your work environment.
Quick Start Setup Commands
The tables in this section provide a quick reference for the CLI commands needed to begin basic
D2 switch operation.
lists tasks and their associated CLI commands required for setting
up the switch with the latest firmware.
lists optional CLI commands that will help you
perform additional basic configuration on the switch. Refer to the pages listed for more
information about each command.
For information about...
Refer to page...
Setting User Accounts and Passwords
Setting Basic Switch Properties
Configuring System Power and Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Reviewing and Selecting a Boot Firmware Image
Starting and Configuring Telnet
Managing Switch Configuration and Files
Table 2-3 Required CLI Setup Commands
Step Task
CLI commands
Refer to
Set a new password.
set password [username]
Set the switch IP address.
set ip address ip-address [mask
ip-mask] [gateway ip-gateway]
Download, activate, and verify new
firmware on the switch using TFTP
copy tftp://tftp_server_ip_address/
filename system:image
set boot system filename
show version