Set cos port-resource, Set cos port-resource -25 – Enterasys Networks Enterasys D2 D2G124-12P User Manual
Page 311
set cos port-resource
D-Series CLI Reference 9-25
This example deletes all Port Groups except for the Default group 0.0:
D2(su)->clear cos port-config irl all
set cos port-resource
Use this command to set the inbound rate limit parameters for a specific IRL resource for a specific
port group.
set cos port-resource irl group-type-index irl-index {[unit {kbps}] [rate rate]
[type {drop}]}
Switch command, read‐write.
CoS port resources are where actual physical rate limiters are configured. Resources map directly
to the number of rate limiters supported by the port type. (Port type 0 supports 100 IRL resources.)
Resources exist for each port group and are indexed as group#.port‐type.irl‐index. Port resources
are not initially configured as rate limiting.
Inbound rate limiting, or rate policing, simply drops or clips traffic inbound if a configured rate is
exceeded. CoS inbound rate limiting allows the user to configure rate limits based on kilobits per
command displays the resources available for each port group. By
default, no IRL resources are configured. The default Rate Limiting algorithm is drop and cannot
be configured otherwise.
Set an IRL port resource.
Specifies an inbound rate limiting port group/type index. Valid entries are
in the form of group#.port‐type.
Valid values for group# can range from 0 to 7. Valid values for port‐type
can range from 0 to 1, although only port type 0 is currently supported.
For example, port group 3 would be specified as 3.0.
Index number of the inbound rate limiter resource associated with this
entry. Valid values range from 0 to 99.
Unit of measure for the inbound rate limiter (only option is Kbps).
Kilobits per second.
rate rate
Data rate for this inbound rate limiter. This is the actual rate limit. Valid
values range from 512 to 1,000,000 Kbps for a Gigabit port.
type drop
Action for the rate limiter. The only action option is drop the frame if all
limiters are exceeded.