Set spantree adminpathcost, Clear spantree adminpathcost – Enterasys Networks Enterasys D2 D2G124-12P User Manual
Page 228
set spantree adminpathcost
6-36 Spanning Tree Configuration
This example shows how to display the admin path cost for
.3.4 on SID 1:
D2(su)->show spantree adminpathcost port ge.3.4 sid 1
Port ge.3.4 has a Port Admin Path Cost of 0 on SID 1
set spantree adminpathcost
Use this command to set the administrative path cost on a port and one or more Spanning Trees.
set spantree adminpathcost port-string cost [sid sid]
If sid is not specified, admin path cost will be set for Spanning Tree 0.
Switch command, read‐write.
This example shows how to set the admin path cost to 200 for
.3.2 on SID 1:
D2(su)->set spantree adminpathcost ge.3.2 200 sid 1
clear spantree adminpathcost
Use this command to reset the Spanning Tree default value for port admin path cost to 0.
clear spantree adminpathcost port-string [sid sid]
Specifies the port(s) on which to set an admin path cost. For a detailed
description of possible port‐string values, refer to “
Specifies the port path cost. Va1id values are 0 ‐ 200000000.
sid sid
(Optional) Sets the admin path cost for a specific Spanning Tree identifier.
Valid values are 0 ‐ 4094. If not specified, SID 0 will be assumed.
Specifies the port(s) for which to reset admin path cost. For a detailed
description of possible port‐string values, refer to “
sid sid
(Optional) Resets the admin path cost for specific Spanning Tree(s).
Valid values are 0 ‐ 4094. If not specified, SID 0 is assumed.