About this guide, Using this guide, Structure of this guide – Enterasys Networks Enterasys D2 D2G124-12P User Manual
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D-Series CLI Reference xxi
About This Guide
Welcome to the Enterasys Networks D‐Series CLI Reference. This manual explains how to access
the device’s Command Line Interface (CLI) and how to use it to configure D‐Series switch devices.
Using This Guide
A general working knowledge of basic network operations and an understanding of CLI
management applications is helpful before configuring this device.
This manual describes how to do the following:
Access the CLI.
Use CLI commands to perform network management and device configuration operations
Establish and manage Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs).
Establish and manage static and dynamically‐assigned policy classifications.
Establish and manage priority classification.
Configure security protocols, including 802.1X and RADIUS, SSHv2, MAC locking, and MAC
Structure of This Guide
The guide is organized as follows:
, provides an overview of the tasks that can be accomplished using the
CLI interface, an overview of local management requirements, an overview of the device’s factory
default settings, and information about using the Command Line Interface (CLI).
, provides how to set basic system properties, how to download a
firmware image, how to configure WebView and Telnet, how to manage configuration files, how
to set the login password, and how to exit the CLI.
Discovery Protocol Configuration
provides how to configure discovery protocols
supported by the device.
, describes how to review and configure console port settings, and
how to enable or disable switch ports and configure switch port settings, including port speed,
duplex mode, auto‐negotiation, flow control, port mirroring, link aggegation and broadcast
, describes how to configure SNMP users and user groups, access
rights, target addresses, and notification parameters.
Important Notice
Depending on the firmware version used in your device, some features described in this document may not
be supported. Refer to the Release Notes shipped with your device to determine which features are