Set port lacp, Set port lacp -44 – Enterasys Networks Enterasys D2 D2G124-12P User Manual
Page 148
set port lacp
4-44 Port Configuration
set port lacp
Use this command to set link aggregation parameters for one or more ports. These settings will
determine the specified underlying physical ports’ ability to join a LAG, and their administrative
state once aggregated.
set port lacp port port-string {[aadminkey aadminkey] [aadminstate {lacpactive |
lacptimeout | lacpagg | lacpsync | lacpcollect | lacpdist | lacpdef | lacpexpire}]
[aportpri aportpri] [asyspri asyspri] [enable | [disable] [padminkey padminkey]
[padminport padminport] [padminportpri padminportpri] [padminstate {lacpactive |
lacptimeout | lacpagg | lacpsync | lacpcollect | lacpdist | lacpdef | lacpexpire}]
[padminsysid padminsysid] [padminsyspri padminsyspri]
port port‐string
Specifies the physical port(s) on which to configure LACP. For a detailed
description of possible port‐string values, refer to “
Sets the port’s actor admin key. LACP will use this value to form an oper
key and will determine which underlying physical ports are capable of
aggregating by comparing oper keys. Aggregator ports allow only
underlying ports with oper keys matching theirs to join their LAG. Valid
values are 1 ‐ 65535. The default key value is 32768.
lacpactive |
lacptimeout |
lacpagg | lacpsync
| lacpcollect |
lacpdist | lacpdef |
Sets the port’s actor LACP administrative state to allow for:
lacpactive ‐ Transmitting LACP PDUs.
lacptimeout ‐ Transmitting LACP PDUs every 1 sec. vs 30 sec. (default).
lacpagg ‐ Aggregation on this port.
lacpsync ‐ Transition to synchronization state.
lacpcollect ‐ Transition to collection state.
lacpdist ‐ Transition to distribution state.
lacpdef ‐ Transition to defaulted state.
lacpexpire ‐ Transition to expired state.
aportpri aportpri
Sets the port’s actor port priority. Valid values are 0 ‐ 65535, with lower
values designating higher priority.
asyspri asyspri
Sets the port’s actor system priority. The LACP implementation on the D‐
Series device uses this value to determine aggregation precedence when
there are two devices competing for the same aggregator. Valid values are
0 ‐ 65535, with higher precedence given to lower values.
Note: Only one LACP system priority can be set on a D-Series
device, using either this command, or the set lacp asyspri command
(Optional) Enables LACPDU processing on this port.
(Optional) Disables LACPDU processing on this port.
Sets a default value to use as the port’s partner admin key. Only ports
with matching admin keys are allowed to aggregate. Valid values are 1 ‐