Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 308

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D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
Path Cost (1-200,000,000) — Enter the port contribution to the
Spanning Tree instance. If a loop occurs, the spanning tree considers
path cost when selecting an interface to put in the Forwarding state.
Default Path Cost — Check to use the default path cost.
Designated Bridge ID — Displays the bridge ID number that
connects the link or shared LAN to the root.
Designated Port ID — Displays the Port ID number on the
designated bridge that connects the link or the shared LAN to the
Designated Cost — Displays the cost of the path from the link or the
shared LAN to the root.
Forward Transitions — Displays the number of times the port
changed to the forwarding state.
Remain Hops — Displays the number of hops remaining to the next
Defining MSTP Interfaces Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the CLI commands for defining MSTP
interfaces as displayed in the MSTP Interfaces pages.
Table 11-7. MSTP Interface CLI Commands
CLI Command
spanning-tree mst
instance-id cost cost
no spanning-tree mst
instance-id cost
Sets the path cost of the port for MST
calculations (in Interface Configuration
Use the no form of this command to restore
the default configuration.
spanning-tree mst
instance-id port-
priority priority
Configures the device priority for the specified
spanning-tree instance (in Interface
Configuration mode).
Use the no form of this command to restore
the default configuration.
show spanning-tree mst-
Displays the MST configuration.