Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 411

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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY

To display RMON statistics for a specified sample:

1 Click Statistics/RMONRMONHistory Table in the tree view to

display the History Table page.

2 Select a History Entry No.

The following fields are displayed:

Owner — RMON station or user that requested the RMON


Sample No. — Number of the specific sample the information in the

table reflects.

Drop Events — Number of dropped packets due to lack of network

resources during the sampling interval. This may not represent the

exact number of dropped packets, but rather the number of times

dropped packets were detected.

Received Bytes (Octets) — Number of data octets, including bad

packets, received on the network.

Received Packets — Number of packets received during the sampling


Broadcast Packets — Number of good Broadcast packets received

during the sampling interval.

Multicast Packets — Number of good Multicast packets received

during the sampling interval.

CRC Align Errors — Number of packets received during the sampling

session, with a length of between 64-1632 octets, who had a bad

Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets, or a bad

FCS with a non-integral number.

Undersize Packets — Number of packets, having less than 64 octets,

received during the sampling session.

Oversize Packets — Number of packets having more than 1632 octets,

received during the sampling session.

Fragments — Number of packets, having less than 64 octets and

having a FCS, received during the sampling session.

Jabbers — Number of packets, having more than 1632 octets and who

had an FCS, received during the sampling session.