Cpu utilization, Viewing cpu utilization using cli commands – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

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CPU Utilization

Use the CPU Utilization page to display the system’s CPU utilization and

percentage of CPU resources consumed by the device.
To display CPU utilization in chart format:

1 Click Statistics/RMON > Charts > CPU Utilization in the tree view to

display the CPU Utilization page.

2 Select the Refresh Rate to specify how frequently the statistics should be


3 The CPU utilization chart is displayed.

Viewing CPU Utilization Using CLI Commands

The following table summarizes the CLI commands for viewing CPU


The following is an example of the CLI commands:

Table 18-12. CPU Utilization CLI Commands

CLI Command


show cpu utilization

Displays CPU utilization.

console# show cpu utilization

CPU utilization service is on.

CPU utilization


five seconds: 5%; one minute: 3%; five minutes: 3%