Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 113

FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
addressing conventions. When a tunnel interface is enabled for ISATAP, the
tunnel source must be set for the interface in order for the interface to
become active.
An ISATAP address is represented using the [64-bit prefix]:0:5EFE:w.x.y.z,
where 5EFE is the ISATAP identifier and w.x.y.z is a public or private IPv4
address. Thus, a Link Local address will be represented as FE80::5EFE:w.x.y.z
After the last IPv4 address is removed from the interface, the ISATAP IP
interface state becomes inactive and is represented as Down, however the
Admin state remains Enabled.
When defining tunneling, note the following:
• An IPv6 Link Local address is assigned to the ISATAP interface. The initial
IP address is assigned to the interface, and the interface state becomes
• If an ISATAP interface is active, the ISATAP router IPv4 address is resolved
via DNS by using ISATAP-to-IPv4 mapping. If the ISATAP DNS record is
not resolved, the ISATAP host name-to-address mapping is searched in the
host name cache.
• When an ISATAP router IPv4 address is not resolved via the DNS process,
the status of the ISATAP IP interface remains Active. The system does not
have a default gateway for ISATAP traffic until the DNS procedure is
• In order for an ISATAP Tunnel to work properly over an IPv4 network, an
ISATAP router is must be set up.
To define an IPv6 ISATAP tunnel:
1 Click System > IP Addressing > ISATAP Tunnel in the tree view to
display the ISATAP Tunnel page.
2 Enter the fields:
ISATAP Status — Enable/disable the status of ISATAP on the device.
IPv4 Address Type— Select the type of the tunnel source IPv4 address
used by the tunnel. The options are:
Auto — Use the dynamic address.
None — Disable the ISATAP tunnel
Manual — Use the manual address assigned.