Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 134

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FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User


D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY

If you select Console Only, active management of the device can only be

performed using the console connection. This profile cannot be removed.

3 To add a new profile, click Add, and enter the fields:

Access Profile Name (1-32 Characters) — Enter a name for the access


Rule Priority (1-65535) — Enter the rule priority. Rules are applied to

packets according to their priority. These can be viewed in the Profile

Rules: Summary page.

Management Method — Select the management method to which

the access profile is applied. Users using this management method are

authenticated using this access profile. The possible options are:

All — The access profile is applied to all management methods.

Telnet — The access profile is applied to Telnet users.

Secure Telnet (SSH) — The access profile is applied to SSH


HTTP — The access profile is applied to HTTP users.

Secure HTTP (HTTPS) — The access profile is applied to

HTTPS users.

SNMP — The access profile is applied to SNMP users.

Interface — Check the fields and select the interface type to which

the rule applies.

Enable Source IP Address — Check this parameter to restrict access,

based on the source IP address. When this field is not selected, the

source IP address cannot be entered into a configured rule.

Supported IP Format — Select whether the IPv4 or IPv6 format is

supported for the source IP addresses.

Source IP Address — Enter the interface source IP address for which

the rule applies. This is an optional field and indicates that the rule is

valid for a subnetwork.

Network Mask — Enter the IP subnetwork mask if Supported IP

Format is IPv4.

Prefix Length — Enter the number of bits that comprise the source IP

address prefix, or the network mask of the source IP address.