System time from an sntp server – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
A sample script to set system time manually is shown below
System Time from an SNTP Server
This section describes how to receive date/time from an SNTP server.
It contains the following topics:
• SNTP Overview
• SNTP Global Settings
• SNTP Authentication
• SNTP Servers
• SNTP Interfaces
Table 6-6. CLI Script to Set Manual System Time
CLI Description
console(config)# clock summer-time Ohio
date apr 1 2010 09:00 aug 2 2010 09:00
Set a time range for
summer time called
console# configure
console(config)# clock timezone Ohio +2
Set the time zone to GMT
plus 2 hours. The name of
the zone "Ohio" is purely for
documentation purposes.
This is not mandatory for
manual time, but is
recommended. It enables
anyone seeing the time to
know what that time is in
respect to their timezone.
console(config)# clock summer-time
Ohio_Summer recurring usa
Set Daylight Savings Time
such that it recurs every year
and is based on the summer
time schedule of the USA.
The name of the zone
"Ohio_Summer" is for
documentation purposes
console(config)# exit
console# show clock
Display the system time.