Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 97

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FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User


D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY

IPv6 Address Type — When the server supports IPv6, this specifies

the type of static address supported. The possible options are:

Link Local — A Link Local address that is non-routable and used

for communication on the same network only.

Global — A globally unique IPv6 address; visible and reachable

from different subnets.

Link Local Interface — When the server supports an IPv6 Link Local

address, this specifies the Link Local interface. The possible options


VLAN — The VLAN on which the IPv6 interface is configured.

ISATAP — The IPv6 interface is configured on an ISATAP


New Log Server IP Address — Enter the IP address of the remote

SYSLOG server.

UDP Port (1-65535) — Enter the UDP port to which the logs are sent

for the selected server.

Facility — Select a user-defined application from which system logs

are sent to the remote server. Only a single facility can be assigned to a

single server. If a second facility level is assigned, the first facility level

is overridden. All applications defined for a device utilize the same

facility on a server.

Description (0-64 Characters) — Enter a server description.

Severity to Include — Check the severity levels to be logged to the

remote server. The event severity levels are listed on this page in

descending order from the highest severity to the lowest. When a

severity level is selected to appear in a log, all higher severity events are

automatically selected to appear in the log. When a security level is

not selected, no lower severity events appear in the log.