Download software - option[1, Erase flash file - option[2 – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 47

Using the CLI
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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
Download Software - Option[1]
The software download procedure is used to replace corrupted files or
upgrade system software, when the device does not have IP connectivity or
when both software images of the device are corrupted and therefore you
cannot use the web-based management system.
it is highly recommended that, before loading via xmodem, the baud rate of
the device and terminal be set to 115200.
To download software through the Startup menu:
1 From the Startup menu,
press [1]
. The following prompt is displayed:
2 When using the HyperTerminal, click Transfer on the HyperTerminal
Menu Bar and select Send File.
3 In the Filename field, enter the file path for the file to be downloaded.
4 Ensure that the Xmodem protocol is selected in the Protocol field.
5 Press Send. The software is downloaded.
After software download, the device reboots automatically.
Erase FLASH File - Option[2]
In some cases, the device Startup Configuration file must be erased. If the
configuration is erased, all parameters configured via CLI, web-management
or SNMP must be reconfigured.
To erase the device configuration in the Startup Configuration file:
1 From the Startup menu,
select [2]
. The following message is
Warning! About to erase a Flash file.
Are you sure (Y/N)?
2 Press
. The following message is displayed.
Write Flash file name (Up to 8 characters, Enter
for none.):
Downloading code using XMODEM