System log overview – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
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System Log Overview
System logs record events and report errors or informational messages. Some
aspects of system logging can be configured, as described below.
Some events are automatically logged, such as hardware problems. You may
enable/disable logging the following types of events:
• Authentication Events in the Global Parameters page
Copy File Events in the Global Parameters page
Management Access Events in the Global Parameters page
• Login History in the Login History page
Event messages have a unique format, as per the System Logs (SYSLOG)
protocol recommended message format for all error reporting, for example,
SYSLOG and local device reporting messages are assigned a severity code,
and include a message mnemonic that identifies the source application
generating the message.
Messages may be filtered, based on their urgency or relevancy.
Events may be logged to the following destinations:
• Console
• Logging buffer (RAM)— Messages are stored in a cyclical file buffer.
When the maximum number of messages is reached, messages are written
starting at the beginning of the buffer (overwriting the old messages).
Logs stored on the Logging buffer are deleted when the device is reset.
Logging file (flash) — Messages are stored in flash memory. When the
buffer is full, messages are written starting at the beginning of the memory
block (overwriting the old messages).
SYSLOG Server — Messages are sent to a remote server. This is useful for
central and remote management and to provide more space for storage of
messages. Up-to eight SYSLOG servers can be defined in the Remote
Log Server Settings pages.