Dynamic arp inspection, Dynamic arp inspection overview – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
Dynamic ARP Inspection
This section describes dynamic ARP inspection.
It contains the following topics:
• Dynamic ARP Inspection Overview
• Global Settings
• Dynamic ARP Inspection List
• Dynamic ARP Inspection Entries
• VLAN Settings
• Trusted Interface
Dynamic ARP Inspection Overview
ARP Inspection eliminates man-in-the-middle attacks, where false ARP
packets are inserted into the subnet. ARP requests and responses are
inspected, and their MAC-address-to-IP-address binding is checked according
to the ARP Inspection List defined by the user (in the
Dynamic ARP
Inspection List
Dynamic ARP Inspection Entries
pages). If the packet’s IP
address was not found in the ARP Inspection List, and DHCP Snooping is
enabled for a VLAN, a search of the DHCP Snooping database is performed.
See "How DHCP Snooping Works" on page 387 for an explanation of the
DHCP Snooping database. If the IP address is found the packet is valid, and is
Packets with invalid ARP Inspection bindings are logged and dropped.
Ports are classified as follows:
• Trusted — Packets are not inspected.
• Untrusted —Packets are inspected as described above.