Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 388
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
Verify MAC Address — Enable/disable MAC addresses verification.
This determines whether to forward (enable) or filter (disable) DHCP
packets received from untrusted interfaces, whose source MAC
address and the DHCP client MAC address do not match.
Save Binding Database to File — Enable/disable saving the DHCP
snooping database to flash memory.
Save Binding Database Internal (600-86400) — Enter how often, in
seconds, the Binding database is updated.
Configuring DHCP Snooping Global Parameters Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the CLI commands for configuring
snooping global parameters
Table 17-2.
DHCP Snooping Global Parameters
CLI Commands
CLI Command
ip dhcp snooping
no ip dhcp snooping
Globally enables DHCP snooping.
Use the no form of this command to
return to the default setting.
ip dhcp snooping information
option allowed-untrusted
no ip dhcp snooping information
option allowed-untrusted
Allows a device to accept DHCP
packets with option-82 information
from an untrusted port.
Use the no form of this command to
return to the default setting.
ip dhcp snooping verify
no ip dhcp snooping verify
Configures the switch to verify on an
untrusted port that the source MAC
address in a DHCP packet matches the
client hardware address.
Use the no form of this command to
configure the switch to not verify the
MAC addresses.
ip dhcp snooping database
no ip dhcp snooping database
Configures the DHCP snooping
binding file.
Use the no form of this command to
delete the binding file.