File upload – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
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FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
Downloading Files Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the CLI commands for setting fields
displayed in the File Download page.
The following is an example of the CLI command:
Each exclamation mark (!) indicates that ten packets were successfully
File Upload
Software and configuration files can be uploaded to an external device using
To upload a configuration file:
1 Click System > File Management > File Upload in the tree view to
display the File Upload page.
2 Enter the IP Format fields for the server IP address.
Supported IP Format — Select whether IPv4 or IPv6 format is
IPv6 Address Type — When the server supports IPv6, this specifies
the type of static address supported. The possible options are:
Link Local — A Link Local address that is non-routable and used
for communication on the same network only.
Table 6-54. File Download CLI Commands
CLI Command
copy source-url destination-
Copies files from a source to a
console# copy tftp:// startup-config
Copy: 575 bytes copied in 00:00:06 [hh:mm:ss]
01-Jan-2000 06:41:55 %COPY-W-TRAP:
The copy operation was completed successfully