Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 258

FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
Wireless Configuration
Before a built-in profile can be applied to an interface, the global profile must
be applied. The global profile enables QoS Advanced mode, sets Advanced
mode parameters, CoS to queue mapping, and DSCP to queue mapping and
defines certain standard ACLs. Use the CLI command show parser macro
name profile-global to display the Global profile contents.
To assign a profile to a port:
1 Click Switching > Ports > Port Profile in the tree view to display the Port
Profiles: Summary page.
A summary of all the interfaces and their profiles is displayed.
2 To assign the Global profile to the system, check Run Global Profile.
Apply the global profile before applying a built-in interface profile.
3 To assign a profile to an interface, click Edit.
4 Select a unit/interface and a Assigned Profile. The Profile Description is
5 Each profile requires entering various elements of VLAN information.
Enter the fields according to the profile:
VLAN Port Mode — Displays the port mode applied to ports in the
VLAN ID-Untagged (1-4094) — Enter the VLAN for untagged
VLAN ID-Tagged (1-4095) — Enter the VLAN for tagged traffic.
Native VLAN ID(1-4094) — Enter the VLAN ID used for untagged
traffic to trunk ports, or check None.
The remaining fields on this page are display-only, and describe the port
configuration of the profile. The following fields are described:
Port Security fields:
Mode — Learning mode. The possible options are:
Classic Lock — Locks the port using the classic lock mechanism.
The port is immediately locked, regardless of the number of
addresses that have already been learned.