Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 264
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
Auto Negotiation — Select to enable auto-negotiation on the port.
Auto-Negotiation enables a port to advertise its transmission rate,
duplex mode, and Flow Control abilities to other devices.
Energy Efficient Ethernet — Globally enable/disable Energy Efficient
Ethernet and the EEE LLDP advertisement feature.
Short Reach Energy Saving —TBD Globally enable/disable Short
Reach Energy Saving feature.
Current Auto Negotiation — Displays the current auto-negotiation
Admin Advertisement — Check the auto-negotiation setting the port
advertises. The possible options are:
Max Capability — The port advertises all the options that it can
10 Half — The port advertises for a 10 mbps speed port and half
duplex mode setting.
10 Full — The port advertises for a 10 mbps speed port and full
duplex mode setting.
100 Half — The port advertises for a 100 mbps speed port and
half duplex mode setting.
100 Full — The port advertises for a 100 mbps speed port and full
duplex mode setting.
1000 Full — The port advertises for a 1000 mbps speed port and
full duplex mode setting.
Current Advertisement — Displays the port advertises its speed to its
neighbor port to start the negotiation process. The possible field
values are those specified in the Admin Advertisement field.
Neighbor Advertisement — Displays the neighboring port’s
advertisement settings. The field values are identical to the Admin
Advertisement field values.
Back Pressure — Enable/disable Back Pressure mode that is used with
Half Duplex mode to disable ports from receiving messages.
Current Back Pressure — Displays the current Back Pressure setting.