Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 348

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D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY

2 Select a VLAN and enter the Multicast group IP address in Bridge

Multicast Address.
Two rows of ports and LAGs are displayed: for each unit

Static — Displays available static ports/LAGs. These port/LAGs can

be included or excluded from the Multicast groups, as described


Current — Displays status of ports/LAGs in the Multicast group, as

actually applied.

3 For each port in the VLAN, toggle to S to join the port to the selected

Multicast group as a static port. Toggle a port to F to indicate that it is

Forbidden to this group. Leave the field empty if it is not involved in the


4 To add a new Multicast group, click Add, and enter the fields:

VLAN ID — Select the VLAN ID to set its forwarding method.

New Bridge IP Multicast — Enter a Multicast group IP address.

New Bridge MAC Multicast — Enter a Multicast group MAC


Ports — Select the ports to be added to a Multicast service. Toggle a

port to S to join the port to the selected Multicast group as a static

port. Toggle a port to F to indicate that it is Forbidden to this service.

Leave the field empty if it is not involved in the VLAN.

LAGs — Select the LAGs to be added to a Multicast service. Toggle a

LAG to S to join the port to the selected Multicast group as a static

LAG. Toggle a port to F to indicate that it is Forbidden to this service.

Leave the field empty if it is not involved in the VLAN.

The following table describes the codes used for the interface in this page:

Table 14-2. IGMP Port/LAG Members Table Control Settings

Port Control Definition


Attaches the port to the Multicast group as static member in the static row.
The port/LAG has joined the Multicast group statically in the current row.


Forbidden. The port cannot belong to the Multicast group.


The port is not attached to a Multicast group, but it is also not forbidden.