Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 238

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D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY

Reauthenticate Now — Select to enable immediate port


Authentication Server Timeout (1-65535) — Enter the time interval

that lapses before the device resends a request to the authentication

server. The field value is specified in seconds.

Resending EAP Identity Request (1-65535) — Enter the amount of

time that lapses before EAP request are resent.

Quiet Period (0-65535) — Enter the number of seconds that the

device remains in the quiet state, following a failed authentication


Supplicant Timeout (1-65535) — Enter the amount of time that

lapses before EAP requests are resent to the supplicant. The field

value is in seconds.

Max EAP Requests (1-10) — Enter the maximum number of EAP

requests that can be sent. If a response is not received after the defined

period (supplicant timeout), the authentication process is restarted.

Enabling Port-Based Authentication on Interfaces Using the CLI Commands

The following table summarizes the CLI commands for enabling the port

based authentication as displayed in the Port Based Authentication Global


Table 7-13. Port-Based Authentication Interface CLI Commands

CLI Command


dot1x port-control {auto |

force-authorized | force-


no dot1x port-control

Enables manual control of the port

authorization state.
Use the no form of this command to

restore the default configuration.

dot1x mac-authentication

{mac-only | mac-and-802.1x}

no dot1x mac-authentication

Enables authentication based on the

station’s MAC address.
Use the no form of this command to

disable access.