Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 108

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D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY

Defining IPv6 Interfaces Using CLI Commands

The following table summarizes the CLI commands for setting fields

displayed in the IPv6 Interface pages.

Table 6-22. IPv6 Interfaces CLI Commands

CLI Command


ipv6 enable

no ipv6 enable

Enables the IPv6 addressing mode on an

Use the no form of this command to

disable the IPv6 addressing mode on an


ipv6 address autoconfig

no ipv6 address autoconfig

Enables automatic configuration of IPv6

addresses, using stateless auto

configuration on an interface. Addresses

are configured depending on the prefixes

received in Router Advertisement

Use the no form of this command to

disable address auto configuration on the


ipv6 icmp error-interval

milliseconds [bucketsize]

no ipv6 icmp error-interval

Configures the rate limit interval and

bucket size parameters for IPv6 Internet

Control Message Protocol (ICMP) error

Use the no form of this command to

return the interval to its default setting.

ipv6 address ipv6-

address/prefix-length [eui-64]


no ipv6 address [ipv6-

address/prefix-length] [link-

local] [eui-64]

Configures an IPv6 address for an

Use the no form of this command to

remove the address from the interface.

ipv6 address [ipv6-address


no ipv6 address [ipv6-address


Configures an IPv6 link-local address for

an interface.
Use the no form of this command to

return to the default link local address on

the interface.