Ipv6 interfaces – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY

IPv6 Interfaces

The system supports IPv6-addressable hosts.
To define IPv6 interfaces:

1 Click System > IP Addressing > IPv6 Interface in the tree view to open

the IPv6 Interface: Summary page.

2 Select an interface. The IPv6 addresses defined on the interface are

displayed. In addition to the fields described in the Add pages, the

following fields are displayed:

ICMP Error Rate Limit Interval (0-2147483647) — Enter the

rate-limit interval for ICMPv6 error messages in milliseconds. The

value of this parameter together with the Bucket Size parameter

(below) determines how many ICMP error messages may be sent per

time interval, for example, a rate-limit interval of 100 ms and a bucket

size of 10 messages translates to 100 ICMP error messages per second.

ICMP Error Rate Limit Bucket Size (1-200) — Enter the bucket size

for ICMPv6 error messages. The value of this parameter together with

the ICMP Error Rate Limit Interval parameter determines how many

ICMP error messages may be sent per time interval, for example, a

rate-limit interval of 100 ms and a bucket size of 10 messages

translates to 100 ICMP error messages per second.

Table 6-21. Sample CLI Script to Configure IPv4 Dynamically on a Port

CLI Command



Enter Global Configuration


console(config)# interface vlan 1

Enter VLAN mode for VLAN


console(config-if)# ip address dhcp

Use the DHCP protocol to

acquire the IP address.

console(config-if)# no switchport

Enable the port to work as an

IP interface (Layer 3 mode).

console(config-if)# no ip address


Remove the address (if
