Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 367

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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY

System Name — System's assigned name (in alpha-numeric format).

This value equals the sysName object.

System Description — Description of the network entity (in alpha-

numeric format). This includes the system's name and versions of the

hardware, operating system, and networking software supported by the

switch. This value equals the sysDescr object.

System Capabilities — Primary functions of the switch, and whether

or not these functions are enabled in the switch. The capabilities are

indicated by two octets. Bits 0 through 7 indicate Other, Repeater,

Bridge, WLAN AP, Router, Telephone, DOCSIS cable device, and

station respectively. Bits 8 through 15 are reserved.

802.3 MAC-PHY — Duplex and bit rate capability and the current

duplex and bit rate settings of the sending device. It also advertises

whether the current settings are due to auto-negotiation or manual


An alternative way to select the TLVs is to select the Use Default field, in

which case only mandatory TLVs are used. These are: Chassis subtype

(MAC address), Port subtype (port number), and TTL (time-to-leave).

5 Enter the Management IP Address that is advertised from the interface.

Check Use Default to use the default Management IP address.

Configuring LLDP Port Settings Using CLI Commands

The following commands are used to configure LLDP on ports.

Table 15-2. LLDP Port Settings CLI Commands

CLI Command


lldp transmit

no lldp transmit

Enables transmitting LLDP on an

Use the no form of this command to stop

transmitting LLDP on an interface.

lldp receive

no lldp receive

Enables receiving LLDP on an interface.
Use the no form of this command to stop

receiving LLDP on an interface.

lldp optional-tlv tlv1 [tlv2

… tlv5|none]

Specifies which optional TLVs

from the basic set should be
