Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 370

FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
3 To modify network policies on a port, click Edit.
4 Select the port to be configured, and enter the fields for the port:
Enable LLDP-MED — Enable/disable LLDP-MED on the port.
Available TLVs — Contains a list of available TLVs that can be
advertised by the port. The possible options are:
Network Policy — Advertises the network policy attached to the
Location — Advertises the port’s location.
Move the TLVs to be published to the
Tx Optional TLVs list.
Available Network Policy — Contains a list of network policies that
can be assigned to a port. Move the network policies to be assigned to
the port to the Network Policy list.
Location Coordinate (16 Bytes in Hex) — Displays the device’s
location map coordinates.
Location Civic Address (6-160 Bytes in Hex) — Displays the device’s
civic or street address location, for example 414 23rd Ave E.
Location ECS ELIN (10-25 Bytes in Hex) — Displays the device’s
ECS ELIN location.
5 To view MED details for a port, click Detail and select a port.
The following fields are displayed for the port:
Auto-Negotiation Status — Enabled specifies that auto-negotiation is
enabled on the port; Disabled indicates that it is not.
Advertised Capabilities — The list of port capabilities advertised for
the port.
MAU Type — The Media Attachment Unit type. The MAU performs
physical layer functions, including digital data conversion from the
Ethernet interfaces' collision detection and bit injection into the
network, for example, 100BASE-TX full duplex mode.
System Name — The system's assigned name (in alpha-numeric
format). This value equals the sysName object.