Global parameters – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 88

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D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
You can select where to send logging messages according to their severity.
Each of the severity level can be directed to the console, RAM log, flash log
file or SYSLOG server or to any combination of these destinations.
Global Parameters
Use the Global Parameters page to enable/disable logging for the following
logging severity levels.
Emergency — If the device is down or not functioning properly, an
emergency log message is saved to the specified logging location.
Alert — An alert log is saved if there is a serious device malfunction,
for example, all device features are down.
Critical — A critical log is saved if a critical device malfunction
occurs, for example, two device ports are not functioning, while the
rest of the device ports remain functional.
Error — A device error has occurred, for example, a single port is
Warning — The lowest level of a device warning. The device is
functioning, but an operational problem has occurred.
Notice — Provides device information to which you might have to
Informational — Provides device information to which you do not
have to respond.
Debug — Provides debugging messages.
If you enable logging, some events are automatically logged, and in addition,
you can enable/disable specific types of logging and set their destination.
To configure logging:
1 Click System
Global Parameters in the tree view to display the
Global Parameters
2 Enable/disable logging in the Logging drop-down list. Console logs are
enabled by default, and cannot be disabled.
3 If Logging is enabled, select the types of events to be logged in addition to
the events that are always logged:
Log Authentication Events — Enable/disable generating logs when
users are authenticated.