Counter summary – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 397

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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
The following fields are displayed:
Port/LAG — The port/LAG number.
Interface Status — The status of the interface: Up, Down or Not
Present when no port is attached to the LAG.
% Interface Utilization — Network interface utilization percentage,
based on the duplex mode of the interface. The range of this reading is
from 0 to 200%. The maximum reading of 200% for a full duplex
connection indicates that 100% of bandwidth of incoming and
outgoing connections is used by the traffic travelling through the
interface. The maximum reading for a half duplex connection is 100%.
% Unicast Received — Percentage of Unicast packets received on the
% Non Unicast Packets Received — Percentage of non-Unicast
packets received on the interface.
% Error Packets Received — Percentage of packets with errors
received on the interface.
3 Select one of the Refresh Rate options to specify how frequently the
statistics should be refreshed.
The CPU utilization chart is displayed.
Counter Summary
To display the number of received and transmitted packets on ports, as
numeric figures and not percentages:
1 Click Statistics/RMON > Table Views > Counter Summary in the tree
view to display the Counter Summary page.
Counters for the selected ports or LAG are displayed.
2 Select a port/LAG.
The following fields are displayed:
Port/LAG — The interface number.
Interface Status — Status of the interface: Up or Down.
Received Unicast Packets — Number of received Unicast packets on
the interface.