Multicast tv vlan overview, Multicast tv vlan membership – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
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Multicast TV VLAN Overview
The Multicast TV VLAN feature provides the ability to supply Multicast
transmissions to Layer 2-isolated subscribers, without replicating the
Multicast transmissions for all subscriber VLANs. The subscribers are the
only receivers of the Multicast transmissions.
• A Multicast TV VLAN can be defined for an Access port (a port that is
in Access mode for VLAN membership).
• All static VLANs are permitted to be a Multicast-TV VLAN.
• The configuration is performed per port.
One or more IP Multicast address groups can be associated with a Multicast
VLAN. The source port must belong to the Multicast VLAN. Source and
receiver ports do not have to be members of the same VLAN.
An end port is defined as a receiver port for the Multicast VLAN. Receiving
ports can belong to a single user VLAN and additionally to one Multicast
VLAN. The receiver port can be an access member in any VLAN, but not in
the defined Multicast VLAN. In Multicast VLAN, the receiver port can only
receive traffic and not send traffic on it. Receivers of same Multicast VLAN
are isolated in different User (Access port) VLANs and therefore isolated from
each other.
If a Multicast-TV VLAN is defined on an access port, then:
• The access port joins the Multicast-TV VLAN.
• The Multicast-TV VLAN on the receiver port is always untagged.
• The acceptable frame type of the port is set to Admit Untagged Only.
Multicast TV VLAN Membership
To view Multicast TV VLANs:
• Click Switching > Multicast Support > Multicast TV VLAN
Membership in the tree view to display the Multicast TV VLAN
Membership page.
The receiver and transceiver ports in the selected TV VLAN are displayed.