Lag configuration – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 268

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D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
LAG Configuration
Use the LAG Configuration pages to configure LAGs. The device supports
up to 12 LAGs per system. For information about Link Aggregated Groups
(LAGs) and assigning ports to LAGs, see "Link Aggregation" on page 339.
To configure LAGs:
1 Click Switching > Ports > LAG Configuration in the tree view to display
LAG Configuration: Summary page.
The LAG parameters are displayed.
2 To configure a LAG, click Edit.
3 Select the LAG and enter the fields:
LAG Mode — Select the LAG mode. The possible options are:
Static — The ports comprise a single logical port for high-speed
connections between networking devices.
LACP — Link Aggregate Control Protocol. LACP-enabled LAGs
can exchange information with other links in order to update and
maintain LAG configurations automatically.
Description (0 - 64 Characters) — Enter a user-defined description of
the configured LAG.
LAG Type — Displays the port types that comprise the LAG.
Admin Status — Enable/disable the selected LAG.
Current Status — Displays the LAG is currently operating.
Admin Speed — Select the configured speed at which the LAG is
operating. The possible options are:
— The LAG is currently operating at 10 Mbps.
100M — The LAG is currently operating at 100 Mbps.
1000M — The LAG is currently operating at 1000 Mbps.
Current Speed — Displays the speed at which the LAG is currently
Admin Auto Negotiation — Enable/disable auto-negotiation, which is
a protocol between two link partners that enables a LAG to advertise
its transmission rate, duplex mode and flow control abilities to its