Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 106

FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
3 To add a new IPv6 interface, click Add IPv6 Interface, and enter the fields:
Interface — Select an IPv6 interface to be configured.
Number of DAD Attempts — Enter the number of consecutive
neighbor solicitation messages that are sent on an interface while
Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) is performed on Unicast IPv6
addresses on this interface. New addresses remain in a tentative state
while duplicate address detection is performed. A field value of 0,
disables duplicate address detection processing on the specified
interface. A field value of 1, indicates a single transmission without
follow up transmissions.
Autoconfiguration — Enable/disable stateless auto configuration of
IPv6 address assignment. When enabled, the router solicitation ND
procedure is initiated. This discovers a router in order to assign an IP
address to the interface, based on prefixes received with RA messages.
When auto configuration is disabled, no automatic assignment of
IPv6 global Unicast addresses is performed, and existing,
automatically-assigned IPv6 global Unicast addresses are removed
from the interface.
Send ICMP Unreachable — Enable/disable transmission of ICMPv6
address Unreachable messages. When enabled, unreachable messages
are generated for any packet arriving on the interface with unassigned
TCP/UDP port.
4 To add an address to an IPv6 interface, click Add IPv6 Address, and enter
the fields for the selected interface:
IPv6 Address Type — Check the means by which the IP address was
added to the interface. The possible options are:
Link Local — The IP address is link local; non-routable and can
be used for communication on the same network only. A Link
Local address has a prefix of 'FE80'.
Global Unicast — The IP address is a globally unique IPv6
Unicast address; visible and reachable from different subnets.
• Global Anycast — The IP address is a globally unique IPv6
Anycast address; visible and reachable from different subnets.