Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 214

FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 4 / 1 8 /1 3 - F O R P R O O F O N LY
Dest. IP Address — Enter the destination IP address to which
addresses in the packet are compared.
Wildcard Mask —In addition to the Destination MAC address,
you can enter a mask that specifies which bits in the source
address are used for matching and which bits are ignored. A
wildcard of means the bits must be matched exactly in
addition to the IP destination address; ff.ff.ff.ff means the bits are
irrelevant. Any combination of 0s and ffs can be used.
• Any — Check to indicate that the destination address is not
TCP Flags — To use TCP flags, check the TCP Flag checkbox and
then check the desired flag(s).
ICMP — Specifies an ICMP message type for filtering ICMP packets.
This field is available only when ICMP is selected in the Protocol
field. The following options are available:
Select from List — Select an ICMP type from the list.
ICMP Type — Enter the ICMP type.
Any — Check to use all ICMP types.
ICMP Code — Enter an ICMP message code for filtering ICMP
packets that are filtered by ICMP message type or ICMP message
code. This field is available only when ICMP is selected in the
Protocol field. The following options are available:
ICMP Code — Enter an ICMP code.
Any — Check to use all ICMP codes.
IGMP — IGMP packets can be filtered by IGMP message type. This
field is available only when IGMP is selected in the Protocol field. The
following options are available:
Select from List — Select an IGMP message type from the list.
IGMP Type — Enter the IGMP message type.
Any — Check to use all IGMP message types.
Classification — Select one of the following matching options:
Match DSCP(0-63) — Matches the packet DSCP value to the