Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

Page 165

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FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Plasma\User


D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY

Fifth octet — Set to 3 to indicate the MAC address that follows.

Last 6 octets — MAC address of the device.

SNMP Notifications — Enable/disable the switch sending SNMP


Authentication Notifications — Enable/disable the switch sending

SNMP traps when authentication fails.

3 To add a remote Engine ID, click Add.
4 Enter the following fields:

Supported IP Format— Select either IPv4 or IPv6.

IPv6 Address Type — This can be either a Link Local or Global IPv6


Link Local Interface — Select whether the link local address is the

default VLAN or an ISATAP tunnel (for IPv6).

IP Address — Enter the IP address.

Engine ID— Enter the remote Engine ID.