Queue – Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual

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D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I MI N A RY 4/ 1 8 /1 3 - F O R PR O O F O N LY

The following is an example of the CLI command:


The switch supports four queues for each interface. Queue number four is the

highest priority queue. Queue number one is the lowest priority queue.

Traffic Limitation Methods

There are two ways of determining how traffic in queues is handled, Strict

Priority and Weighted Round Robin (WRR):

Strict Priority — Egress traffic from the highest-priority queue is

transmitted first. Traffic from the lower queues is processed only after the

highest queue has been transmitted, thus providing the highest level of

priority of traffic to the lowest-numbered queue.

Weighted Round Robin (WRR) — In WRR mode, the number of packets

sent from the queue is proportional to the weight of the queue (the higher

the weight, the more frames are sent). The type of WRR algorithm used in

the device is not the standard Deficit WRR (DWRR), but rather Shaped

Deficit WRR (SDWRR).

Combination of WRR and Strict Priority

The priority for handling traffic can be selected for each queue. When the

queuing mode is Weighted Round Robin for all queues, queues are serviced

according to their weights. If all queues are assigned strict priority, queues are

serviced according to that order.
The following is true if some queues are assigned strict priority and others are

assigned WRR:

• If one queue is assigned strict priority, all higher queues are also assigned

strict priority. Conversely, if a queue is assigned a WRR weight, all lower

queues must also have a WRR weight assigned to them.

• In the above case, traffic for the strict priority queues is always sent before

traffic from the WRR queues. Traffic from the WRR queues is forwarded

only after the strict priority queues have been emptied. The relative

portion from each WRR queue depends on its weight.

console(config)# interface gi0/8

console(config-if)# qos cos 3