Rockwell Automation 8520 9/Series CNC Lathe User Manual

Page 772

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Chapter 30

Using a 9/Series Dual--Processing System


Your system installer can configure an axis to be shared by different
processes. With this feature multiple processes can execute part program

commands or perform manual operations on the same shared axis.

A shared axis can not be commanded by more than one process

simultaneously. Control of the shared axis must be changed from process

to process thru the system installer’s PAL program.

Shared axes are shown on the position display in the order your system
installer defines them in AMP. Shared axes are displayed only for the

process that currently has control of the shared axis (except on graphics

and axis monitor screens). When control of the shared axis is changed to a

different process, the axis is removed from the position display and added

to the new controlling process.

You can select to plot a shared axis for display on one of the graphics

screens regardless of the process currently controlling the shared axis. The

machine info window on graphics screen always shows only the axes

currently assigned to that process.

Homing a Shared Axis

A shared axis is homed like any other axis. It must be homed before it can

be positioned by a part program block. Home the shared axis in the

process that it is currently assigned. There is only one home position for a

shared axis (this position is independent of the current process). Once a

shared axis is homed in one process it becomes homed in any additional

processes as well. You do not need to home the shared axis in each


Programmable Zones

Each process contains two independent programmable zones. Zones are

checked on a per process basis. The system installer can setup shared axis

zone values in AMP. A shared axis has the same zone values in both

processes. Shared axis zone values can be manually entered in either

process through the zone configuration table (see chapter 3 for details).

Zone 3 values can be changed in the part program as discussed in chapter

12. Each process can have a separate programmed value for for a shared

axis in zone 3 however these programmed values are only temporary and

do not overwrite the original AMP or manually entered table values.

Shared axis values in a programmable zone are monitored only in the

process currently controlling the shared axis. Shared axes are no longer

part of a programmable zone once they leave the process. Zones defined

to contain shared axes can be enabled and disabled in any process

regardless of the process currently controlling the shared axis. If a zone is

activated without a shared axis member, the shared axis zone values are

ignored for that process until the shared axis is switched into that process.


Shared Axes on

Dual- Processing Systems


Operating a Shared Axis