Incremental/absolute mode and the g10l2 command – Rockwell Automation 8520 9/Series CNC Lathe User Manual

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Coordinate System Offsets

Chapter 11


The third method, and the one described in this section, alters the work

coordinate system table through G10 programming. Changing the values

in the table using any of these methods does not cause axis motion. It does

immediately shift the active coordinate system by the amount entered. The

format for altering the work coordinate systems using G10 is:

G10 L2 P__ O__ X__ Z__;

Important: The order of the words in this program block is important.

The L, P, and O words must be programmed before any axis words are

programmed in the G10 block. Failing to follow this order can result in

data being misinterpreted and loaded into the table incorrectly.

Where :

Is :


tells the control that you want to alter the coordinate system tables.


specifies which coordinate system (G54 through G59.3) you want to work on. P1

through P9 correspond to the work coordinate systems G54 through G59.3.

P1 = G54 work coord. system

P6 = G59 work coord. system

P2 = G55 work coord. system

P7 = G59.1 work coord. system

P3 = G56 work coord. system

P8 = G59.2 work coord. system

P4 = G57 work coord. system

P9 = G59.3 work coord. system

P5 = G58 work coord. system


specifies whether the value entered for the diameter axis is a radius or diameter

value. (O is non-modal.)


=value entered for the diameter axis is a radius value.


=value entered for the diameter axis is a diameter value.


If you program O1 or O2 in a G10 code, the G10 code is not

affected by a previously programmed G07 or G08 (radius/diameter

programming). However, if no O-code is specified, or if the O-code is out of

range (for example, O3), then the G10 code is affected by a G07/G08.


specify the location of the zero point of the specified work coordinate system

relative to machine coordinate system.

Important: G10 blocks cannot be programmed when TTRC is active.

Incremental/Absolute Mode and the G10L2 Command

When you program in:


incremental mode (G91)

any values entered into the work coordinate system table using

the G10 command are added to the currently active work

coordinate system values.

absolute mode (G90)

any values entered into the work coordinate system table using

the G10 command replace the currently active work

coordinate system values.

Example 11.3 and Figure 11.7 illustrate how the work coordinate system is

shifted by using G10.