Rockwell Automation 8520 9/Series CNC Lathe User Manual

Page 435

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Programming Feedrates

Chapter 18


Important: Single-digit feedrates are always entered as per minute

feedrates (IPM or MMPM) regardless of the control’s current feedrate

mode. When a single-digit feedrate is programmed, the control

automatically switches to the IPM or MMPM mode. The control

automatically switches back to the previously active feedrate mode when

the next feedrate is programmed that is not a single-digit feedrate.

If there are no feedrates set in the tables that correspond to F1-F9. The

control treats F1-F9 as commanded feedrates.

Single-digit F-word feedrates are affected by the setting of the

switch as regular feedrates. Blocks that are

programmed to move at the rapid feedrate are still executed in the rapid


Important: A programmed F0 corresponds to the maximum cutting

feedrate (not normally the rapid feedrate) set in AMP by your system

installer. F0 generates an error if the feature is not used.

When you call a single-digit F-word, the F-word must be programmed

with no decimal point and a single digit. For example, F1 calls an assigned

feedrate correlating to the value set as feedrate 1. Designating F1. in a

program assigns a feedrate of 1 in the current feedrate mode.

Your system installer can install an optional external deceleration switch.
Typically this is a mechanical switch mounted on the machine axes inside

the hardware overtravel switches. Refer to documentation prepared by

your system installer for details on the application and location of this


When you activate this feature, any axis moves that are to take place at a

cutting feedrate (G01, G02, G03, etc.) use a special feedrate assigned in

AMP. Any axis moves that are to take place at a rapid feedrate (G00, etc.)

also uses a special feedrate assigned in AMP. These feedrates are

independent of each other and typically have different values. These

feedrate changes take place immediately when the feature becomes active,

even if this is in the middle of block execution.

Important: The feedrate set for the external deceleration feature for

cutting moves cannot exceed the maximum cutting feedrate.


External Deceleration

Feedrate Switch