Using the categories pane of the organizer window, Collections, organizing pdf files, Finding pdf files – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual
Page 99: Organizing pdf files, Locating pdf files with, My computer, finding pdf files, Categories pane

Using the categories pane of the Organizer window
The categories pane of the Organizer window contains four categories to help you locate
and organize PDF files that reside on your computer, on a network, and on the web:
History contains subcategories that list all PDF files that you've opened during a specified
period of time. You can't change the subcategory names or manually add PDF files to the
History, which is automatically updated each time you open a PDF file and as time passes,
but you can clear the entire history by using the Clear History button in the files pane.
You can also control the maximum length of the file history or turn it off with the
Remember Files In Organizer History For option in the Startup preferences.
My Computer (Windows) or [disk name] (Mac OS) lists the hard drives and folders in
their current hierarchy. This category is especially useful if you know where a particular
PDF file resides.
Favorite Places lists folders, network locations, and web directories that you've specified
as favorite destinations. This category functions like bookmarks or favorite destinations
that you create for quick access in a web browser, except that the destinations are folders
or drives that contain PDF files. You can add or remove destinations from the Favorite
Places list, but you can't edit the destination names.
Collections contains collection folders that list all PDF files that you've associated with
each particular collection folder. Each collection folder can point to multiple PDF files no
matter where each PDF file is located; for example, a single collection folder can list PDF
files that are actually located in different folders on your computer, on a network, and also
on the web. You can change each collection folder's name, add new collection folders, and
add PDF files to each collection folder.
To view PDF files in an Organizer category:
1. To expand or collapse a category or folder in the categories pane, click the icon to the left
of the category icon or folder icon.
2. Select a subcategory or folder under a main category. The pages pane lists all PDF files
that are associated with that subcategory or folder.
To organize PDF files with the Collections category:
1. To edit the list of collection folders, do any of the following:
If you want to rename a collection folder, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac
OS) the collection folder name, choose Rename Folder, and then type the new name.
If you want to delete a collection folder, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS)
the collection folder name, choose Delete Folder, and then click Yes in the confirmation
dialog box. The PDF files within the collection folder aren't deleted from their original
If you want to add a new collection folder, click the Create A New Collection button
in the Organizer window. Or, in Acrobat, choose Create A New Collection from the
Organizer menu in the File toolbar, or choose File > Organizer > Collections > Create A
New Collection. Type a name for the collection.
2. If you want to add a PDF file to a collection folder, do one of the following:
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the collection folder name, choose Add
Files, select one or more PDF files, and click Add.
Select the subcategory or folder that contains the PDF file, right-click (Windows) or
Control-click (Mac OS) the PDF file in the files pane, and choose Add To Folder >
[collection folder name].
Drag a PDF file from Windows Explorer or Mac OS Finder to the collection folder in the
categories pane.
After selecting a subcategory in the History, My Computer, or Favorite Places category,
drag a PDF file from the files pane to the desired collection folder.
In Acrobat, open the PDF file. Choose Add To A Collection from the Organizer menu
in the File toolbar. To add the PDF file to an existing collection, select a collection and
click OK. To add the PDF file to a new collection, click New Collection, type a name for
the collection, and click Create; then click OK.
You can open any PDF file from a collection by using the Open button
in the
Organizer window or by simply choosing the PDF file name from a submenu directly in
Acrobat. To open a PDF file from a collection in Acrobat, choose Collections >
[collection name] > [PDF file name] from either the File > Organizer submenu or the
Organizer menu
in the File toolbar.
3. If you want to move a PDF file from one collection folder to another, select the collection
folder that contains the PDF file, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the
PDF file in the files pane, and choose Move To Folder > [collection folder name].
4. If you want to remove a PDF file from a collection folder, select the collection folder,
right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the PDF file in the files pane, and
choose Remove From [collection folder name].
To organize PDF files with the Favorite Places category:
1. If you want to add an existing folder or hard drive to the category's list, do one of the
Click the Add A Favorite Place button
, select a folder or hard drive, and click OK.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the desired folder in the My Computer
(Windows) or [disk name] (Mac OS) category, and choose Add [folder name] To Favorite
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the desired subfolder in the Favorite
Places category, and choose Add [favorite place name] To Favorite Places.
2. If you want to remove a folder or hard drive from the list of Favorite Places, right-click
(Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the item, and choose Remove [folder name] From
Favorite Places.
To locate PDF files with the My Computer (Windows) or [disk name] (Mac OS) category:
Select a folder in the My Computer (Windows) or [disk name] (Mac OS) category. All
PDF files within that folder are listed in the files pane.