Setting distiller preferences, Delete log files for successful jobs option, Naming files – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual

Page 130: Preferences, Notify when watched folders are unavailable option, Distiller, Tracking distilled files, Status of distilled files, View pdf when using distiller option, Unavailable

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Setting Distiller preferences

The Distiller preferences control global Distiller settings.

To set Distiller preferences:

1. In Acrobat Distiller, choose File > Preferences (Windows), or choose Distiller >

Preferences (Mac OS).

2. Specify any of the following preferences:

To be notified if a watched folder becomes unavailable or can't be found, select Notify
When Watched Folders Are Unavailable.

(Windows) To be warned if less than 1 MB of space is available on the hard disk where
Distiller is installed, select Notify When Windows TEMP Folder Is Nearly Full. (The hard
disk space you need to convert to PDF is often double the size of the PostScript file being

To specify the name and location for files when using drag-and-drop or the Print
command, select Ask For PDF File Destination.

To be warned if you are about to overwrite an existing PDF file, select Ask To Replace
Existing PDF File.

To automatically open the converted PDF file, select View PDF When Using Distiller.

To automatically delete the log files used to track messages generated during a distilling
session, unless the job failed, select Delete Log Files For Successful Jobs.

Note: Distiller tracks the status of all files during a distilling session. The information that
appears in the Distiller window saves to a file called messages.log. The messages.log file
is located at \Documents and Settings\[current user]\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat
\Distiller 7 (Windows) or Users/[current user]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/
Acrobat/Distiller 7 (Mac OS). To view the messages.log file, open it in a text editor.

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