Deleting, Replacing, Deleting and replacing pages – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual

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Deleting and replacing pages

You can delete pages from an Adobe PDF document with the Delete command or by deleting the
page's page thumbnail or tagged bookmarks. You can minimize the size of the document file by
using the Reduce File Size command to save the restructured document under a new name.

Important: You cannot undo the Delete command.

You can replace an entire PDF page with another PDF page. When you replace a page, only the
text and images on the original page are replaced. Any interactive elements associated with the
original page, such as links and bookmarks, are not affected. Likewise, bookmarks and links that
may have been previously associated with the replacement page do not carry over. Comments, on
the other hand, are carried along with the replacement page and are combined with any existing
comments in the document.

A page before and after it is replaced. The page's bookmarks and links remain in the same locations.

To delete one or more pages using the Delete command:

1. Choose Document > Delete Pages.
2. Enter the page range to be deleted, and click OK.

You cannot delete all pages; at least one page must remain in the document.

If you select Use Logical Page Numbers in the Page Display panel of the Preferences dialog

box, you can enter a page number in parentheses to delete the logical equivalent of the page
number. For example, if the first page in the document is numbered i, you can enter (1) in the
Delete Pages dialog box, and the page is deleted.

To delete one or more pages using a page thumbnail:

1. Do one of the following:

Select the page number box of the thumbnail or the page thumbnail itself.

Shift-click to select a range of page thumbnails. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS)
to add to the selection. Press Ctrl-A (Windows) to select all thumbnails.

Drag a rectangle around a group of page thumbnails.

2. Choose Delete Pages from the Options menu, and click OK.

You can drag a page thumbnail to the trash at the top of the navigation pane to delete the

corresponding page.

To delete material associated with a tagged bookmark:

1. In the Bookmarks tab on the navigation pane, click the tagged bookmark for the material you want

to delete. Shift-click to select multiple bookmarks.

2. Choose Delete Page(s) from the Options menu. The tagged bookmark and its associated page are

deleted from the document.

To replace the contents of a page using the Replace command:

1. Open the PDF document that contains the pages you want to replace.
2. Choose Document > Replace Pages.
3. Select the document containing the replacement pages, and click Select.
4. Under Original, enter the pages to be replaced in the original document.
5. Under Replacement, enter the first page of the replacement page range. The last page is calculated

based on the number of pages to be replaced in the original document.

To replace one or more pages using a page thumbnail:

1. Open the PDF document that contains the pages you want to replace, and open the PDF document

that contains the replacement pages.

2. In the Pages tab of the navigation pane, do one of the following:

Select the page number box of the page thumbnail or page thumbnails you want to use as
replacement pages.

Shift-click to select multiple page thumbnails. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS)
to add to the selection.

Drag a rectangle around a group of page thumbnails.

3. Drag the selected page thumbnails onto the Pages tab of the target document. Position the pointer

directly over the page number box of the first page thumbnail you want to replace.

4. Release the mouse button. The pages you selected in the first document replace the same number of

pages in the second document, starting at the page number you selected to drop the new pages on.

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