Applying different settings to different images, Adobe illustrator. see illustrator, Overriding – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual

Page 165: Adobe photoshop. see photoshop, Files by image type, With adobe photoshop, Resampling and compressing images with, Varying compression with

background image

Applying different settings to different images

When Distiller processes a file, it normally applies the compression settings to images
throughout the file. If you want images in a file to be compressed and downsampled using
different methods, you can do this in several ways:

Use Adobe Photoshop to resample and compress images before processing with Distiller.
In this case, you should deselect the compression and downsampling or subsampling
options in Distiller.

Create separate PostScript files for each part of the document you want to process
differently, and use different compression options to distill each part. Then use Distiller to
merge the files. (See

Creating PostScript files


Create color, grayscale, and monochrome images. Then select different compression and
downsampling settings for each image type.

Insert Distiller parameters before images in a PostScript file. You can use this technique to
process every image in a document differently. This technique is the most difficult,
because it requires knowledge of PostScript programming. For more information on using
parameters, see the Acrobat Distiller Parameters manual at
acrobat (English only) on the Adobe website.

Note: To apply the inserted Distiller parameters, select Allow PostScript File to Override
Adobe PDF Settings. This option is on the Advanced panel of the Adobe PDF Settings
dialog box in Distiller. However, selecting this option overrides the settings you selected
in the Adobe PDF dialog boxes.

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