Initial view options for document properties, Initial view options for, Document properties – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual
Page 481: Initial view options for document, Properties

Initial View options for document properties
The Initial View options in the Document Properties are organized into three areas:
Document Options, Window Options, and User Interface Options.
Document Options
Determine the appearance of the document within the document window, the page layout
and magnification, which panes open, how it scrolls, and the page number at which the
document opens.
Show determines which panes and tabs are displayed in the application window by
default. Bookmarks Panel And Page opens the document pane and the Bookmarks tab.
Page Layout determines whether the document is viewed in single-page, facing page,
continuous page, or continuous facing page layout.
Magnification sets the zoom level the document will appear at when opened. Default uses
the magnification set by the user.
Page Number sets the page that the document opens at (usually page 1).
Last-viewed Page option is set in the Startup preferences.
Note: Setting Default for the Magnification and Page Layout options uses the individual
users' settings in the Page Display preferences.
Window Options
Determine how the window adjusts in the screen area when a user opens the document.
Apply to the document window itself in relationship to the screen area of the user's
monitor. The User Interface Options determine which controls appear when the user opens
the document.
Resize Window To Initial Page adjusts the document window to fit snugly around the
opening page, according to the options that you selected under Document Options.
Center Window On Screen positions the window in the center of the screen area.
Open In Full Screen Mode maximizes the document window and displays the document
without the menu bar, toolbar, or window controls.
Show File Name shows the file name in the title bar of the window.
Show Document Title shows the document title in the title bar of the window. The
document title is obtained from the Description panel of the Document Properties dialog
User Interface Options
Determine which parts of the interface--the menu bar, the toolbar, and the window
controls--are hidden.
Note: If you hide the menu bar and toolbar, users cannot apply commands and select tools
unless they know the keyboard shortcuts. You may want to set up page actions in the
document to provide this functionality. (See
Using actions for special effects
also want to set up buttons in the document to provide this functionality. (See
.) Users can press Esc to escape Full Screen Mode.