Searching, Next document command, Previous document command – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual
Page 551: Search results

Searching all Adobe PDF files in a specific location
You can search multiple Adobe PDF files that are in a specific location, such as a folder
on your hard disk or local network. You do not need to open the files.
Note: If documents are encrypted (have security applied to them), you cannot search them
as part of a multiple-document search. You must open those documents first and search
them one at a time. However, documents encrypted as Digital Editions are an exception
and can be searched as part of a multiple-document search.
To search Adobe PDF documents in a specific location:
1. Open Acrobat on your desktop (not in a web browser).
2. Click the Search button
or choose Edit > Search, and type the word or phrase you
want to search for.
3. For the Look In option (Advanced Search) or Where Would You Like To Search option
(Basic Search), select Browse For Location to find the location you want to search. Or,
you can select All PDF Documents In (Basic Search), and then select a location from the
pop-up menu.
4. Click Search. The results appear nested under the document names and paths.
To review the results of a multiple-document search:
1. In the Search PDF window, click the plus sign (+) (Windows) or the triangle (Mac OS)
next to a document name to expand the list of results for that document.
2. Click a result. The document opens to the appropriate page, and the occurrence is
highlighted. To display the first result in the next document, choose Edit > Search Results
> Next Document; to display the last result in the previous document, choose Edit >
Search Results > Previous Document.
You can sort the results of a multiple-document search in a number of ways. Select
an option from the Sort By menu near the bottom of the Search PDF window. Results can
be sorted by Relevance Ranking, Date Modified, Filename, or Location.